The last three weeks have seen sustained targeted joint security operations being conducted by MSS personnel and HNP. The operations ostensibly targeted gang-controlled areas that included Port-Au-Prince Downtown, Ganthier, Delmas, APN Port, Croix des Bouquets and Tabare Carrefour areas. The joint security operations saw the destruction and removal of several barricades that enabled the clearance of roads that gangs had blocked. A double wall erected by the ‘400 Mawazo’ gang on the National Road #8 in Croix-Des-Bouquets was completely put down. This has since enabled free traffic flow of vehicles and the local population.
The joint operations (MSS/HNP) incorporated different formed HNP Units that saw the key areas pacified with several gangs members fleeing in consternation. Several arrests were made with some weapons recovered from the gangs. The arrests include the arrest of two “Chen Mechan and Pierre 6” gang members who are still in police custody. Some of the key areas that the joint operations have been able to recapture and maintain dominance patrols include various streets in Delmas that include Delmas 33,31,24,22,20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6 and 4 that were completely gang-dominated prior to the operations where both vehicular and human traffic had been cut off with locals deserting these areas. Businesses had also shut down.
MSS and HNP sustained night and day joint patrols that are currently being conducted at streets and peri-urban areas, have seen human population starting to stream back in large numbers. Signs of human activities like locals clearing debris and cleaning the streets have been witnessed. The areas that have been pacified include L’avenue Hailé Sélassié-le Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Route de l’Aéroport), l'Avenue Henri Christophe, la Rue Capois, l’Avenue Christophe, l’Avenue Lamartinière (Bois Verna), Rue de la Réunion, l’Avenue la fleur du chêne, l’Avenue de la République, Rue Capois (Champs de Mars), Rue Saint-Honoré, Grand’Rue (Blvd Jean Jacques Dessalines), Rue Saint Honoré-Avenue Magloire Amboise-Route des Dalles (Eglise Wesleyenne). Normalcy is slowly returning in these areas with locals applauding and urging the MSS / HNP to continue with the patrols with many members of the gangs seen fleeing in awe.
The area around the Police Academy is also being pacified. This has seen the re-opening of the Academy with hundreds of new recruits currently undergoing training, this has also seen MSS opening its first Forward Operating Base (FOB) at the Academy to ensure the security of the recruits. A number of gang leaders have been sending emissaries for truce and dialogue, but the joint message from the Prime Minister Garry Conille, Director General HNP Normil Rameau and MSS Force Commander SAIG Godfrey Otunge is very clear: “surrender, lay down your weapons and be ready to be prosecuted for the atrocities you committed.”
MSS wishes to assure the population that their security is key in these operations. All that is expected of them is maximum cooperation and support that will leave the gangs with no room but just to surrender. The process may be slow, but the end-result is a guaranteed Haiti devoid of gangs. The arrival of the advanced Caricom represented by Jamaica and Belize last week will see a more synergized MSS security operations against the gangs. More contributing countries are expected to deploy soon as the deployment period hitches to a close.
This is a very welcome development...the Haitian poluation can start to breathe finally